Project Pitch!

As mentioned in my project pitch video attached, for my research project and Digital Artefact, I will be exploring the media niche of ‘Healthy Recipe Tok’. I have previously created a DA surrounding cooking and content creation, so I am exploring this passion again, focusing on a different niche within this topic.

I want to address the question of whether particular methods of content creation within this niche attract different audiences or increase interaction in comparison to other ways of documenting healthy recipes on the TikTok platform. Being in the Gen Z generation myself, I know that my audience is attracted to short, lively and entertaining TikTok videos that are attention grabbing and straight to the point. With this in mind, my research project and DA will explore this question in depth, incorporating various ethnographic skills, such as flexibility, exploring and perspective along the way.

The auto-ethnographic 6-step process will assist me throughout completing this DA, as well as the incorporation of reflexivity throughout the project.

A creator on TikTok who I believe is a great example of creating engaging cooking content for a younger audience is faithsfresh.

One of @faithsfresh TikToks

I will be exploring creators like her on TikTok throughout this project, and examining whether these creators who I have a personal bias towards are really the best example of ‘Healthy Recipe Tok’ creators on the TikTok platform.

I am very excited to see where this project and DA takes me, I hope to learn a lot and continue to find a passion for cooking and content creation.

Link to my project pitch video:


Airoldi, M 2018, ‘Ethnography and the digital fields of social media’, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 661-673.

Coleman, E.G 2010, ‘Ethnographic approaches to digital media’, Annual review of anthropology, vol. 39, pp. 487-505.

O’Byrne, P 2007 ‘The advantages and disadvantages of mixing methods: An analysis of combining traditional and autoethnographic approaches’, Qualitative Health Research, vol. 17, no. 10, pp. 1381-1391.

9 responses to “Project Pitch!”

  1. […] provided feedback for Graces, Chloe and Julia’s […]


  2. proud of ya this is quiet expectational work


  3. Oooooo Julia back at it again with Rookie Cooking! (I hope this is its stunning return) you’ve identified and narrowed your niche very well, good examples used. I wonder what other platforms you’ll be posting on outside of TikTok, I think Instagram Reels would be useful in this instance. Also how you will implement the ethnographic skills within your content and observation will be interesting to see. All up, a well put-together pitch, keen to see your content!


  4. SLAY Rookie Cooking is back! Your skill in recognising and refining your niche is truly praiseworthy, and your use of relevant examples is spot-on – i know i follow some on my tik tok as well. I’m genuinely curious about the other platforms you plan to venture into beyond TikTok; my suggestion would Instagram Reels, which could prove advantageous to this niche. Furthermore, I’m eager to witness how you’ll seamlessly incorporate your ethnographic skills into both your content creation and observational aspects. To sum it all up, your pitch is impeccably crafted, and I’m genuinely excited to experience your upcoming content and will be following along for the ride!


  5. Julia! This is an amazing pitch. You have done a great job at clearly identifying existing creators in this niche as well as exploring multiple ethnographic skills. It would be great to post your content across various platforms other than just TikTok to make it multi-platform. Instagram would be ideal for this! Also, your incorporation of academic sources is perfect, to add to this you could integrate links to niche-specific articles. Overall, amazing job and I’m excited to see your content 🙂


  6. […] second lot of feedback I gave was on Julia’s project pitch, which can be viewed on her blog ‘Project Pitch!’. Again, listen below to hear me explain my approach for this comment and what I took away from this […]


  7. great job showing you are using the 6 steps of the Autoethnographic processes and creating a great presentation on why this niche means something to you as well as expressing your joy of cooking


  8. great job showing you are using the 6 steps of the Autoethnographic processes and creating a great presentation on why this niche means something to you as well as expressing your joy of cooking
    I would recommend expanding the platforms your videos. by this is mean putting them on Instagram, Facebook, discord, or twitch. I would also maybe put some healthy desert options for a cheat day.


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